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Articles on 24 hour live-in care in Dorset. Keep up-to-date with our latest developments, company news, care advice and more.

Articles on 24 hour live-in care in Dorset. Keep up-to-date with our latest developments, company news, care advice and more.



Fragile Conversations - End-of-Life discussion with Family Members

One of the most difficult, yet important, conversations is around what your loved ones would like to happen as they near the end of their life and after they're gone. When is the r...  more  

THE DEMENTIA TOOLKIT – Where to get help

Dementia is a debilitating condition that robs people of their memories and loved ones of their companionship. It's a disease that is often in the headlines, but dementia isn't jus...  more  

Taking The Strain Off You

Our live-in carers provide support to you and your family in the comfort of your own home so that you can continue to enjoy life together.  more